HSpodcast 015 with MOFTE

HSpodcast 015 with MOFTE

I started to taste the art of mixing about 2 years ago, but in the first year and a half of the second I was just a living room DJ, I was only doing and listening to my friends with the mix. I recently had contact with a the public and the feedback was unexpectedly good. I have had 3 performances since then. My first gig was with Groove and Orange guys, having the opportunity to hear a pleasant microhouse, ending of the night was the set of Marinov, ending an unforgettable storyline and leaving behind a sum of memories worthy of telling grandchildren. The artists who influenced me in the "career" are Barac, Priku, Ricardo Vilalobos, Raresh, Mihai Pol and the list can continue.
For more updates on MOFTE's music please check his page out.